We are a nation of dog lovers, right?
Ahem, let me say that again, I'm slightly scared of dogs – although it's gotten much, much better since practising TRE as my nervous system is much more relaxed.
Anyway, I suppose the majority of you are dog lovers.
And I totally get it, because they can be a (wo)man's best friend.
Dogs are not only our companions but also our teachers.
Next time you’re with your dog, take a moment to observe and reflect - they might be showing you exactly what you need to learn …
… especially something you normally never hear or read about (see number 10!).
So, here it goes:
1. Dogs live in the moment ...
… and don’t dwell on the past or worry about the future – and that's very much on trend, very mindful indeed.
Happily chasing a ball or sniffing around the park - they are present.
2. Dogs show unconditional love without judgement ...
… you get home and your dog greets you with a wagging tail and full of excitement – that's kindness, right?
And they don't expect anything in return, well, maybe a wee treat.
3. Dogs find joy in the simple things
… playing, sniffing, lying next to you, a gentle belly rub – that's pure joy.
This can teach us that happiness can be found in the simple, everyday moments.
4. Dogs are loyal and trusting ...
… forming deep bonds with their human family.
This reminds us of being reliable and building strong, trusting relationships with others.
5. Dogs communicate without words ...
… a wagging tail, a gentle nudge or that look in their eyes can say more than words ever could: perfect non-verbal communication.
They encourage us to pay attention to the unspoken ways we connect with others.
6. Rest and play are essential ...
… it's all about balance!
There's a time run and play - and work! - and there's a time to rest and recharge.
7. Dogs forgive easily ...
… even after a missed walk, dogs don’t hold grudges and move on.
That's resilience!
They teach us to let go of resentment and embrace forgiveness.
8. Dogs are curious and explore things ...
… new smells, sights, sounds.
Their enthusiasm for discovery is inspiring and can remind us of seeing our world with a sense of wonder, too.
9. Dogs thrive on human connection …
… they can teach us the importance of strong bonds and the value of social interaction.
But, here's what you generally don't find in all these lists about dogs and positive attributes:
10. When dogs are stressed or shocked …
… they immediately shake it off and then get on happily with life.
All mammals are genetically encoded to process stress by tremoring and therefore let that out of the system. You can watch dogs doing it beautifully.
And that's what we can learn from dogs.
No, we don't want to start trembling after an argument with somebody or after a heated discussion, but retrospectively and indeed preventatively, we can do so in the privacy of our own homes.
Shake it off! And then life is good again.
If you are intrigued, I invite you to get in touch and I'll share with you how you can discover your innate ability to safely shake off tension, aches, pains, anxiety, irritability, anger or anything else you don't need anymore.
While also building resilience and carving out time for these mini post spa treatment feelings – a few minutes is really all you need and you can feel like a new person.
You are amazing. I help you feel that way!
Natural. Innate. TREmendous.