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"I have a dream"

Writer's picture: SylviaSylvia

The world is crazy, right?

Many people are worried and anxious and if that applies to you, you are definitely not alone.

I hear that so many times when connecting with potential clients.

Recently I saw an AI generated clip where two politicians are in a meeting and the humiliated one reaches out and physically knocks the bully in the face who then collapses in his armchair.

Headline: Isn't AI wonderful.

Well, I wasn't convinced. That's not a solution at all.

And so I started to daydream …

… of a world where we all have a well-regulated nervous system.

So I stand before you today as an enthusiastic TRE Provider who really sees and experiences TRE's benefits and what TRE can do for each and every one of us – if we accept its invitation.

Yes, learning TRE can be about easing aches, pains and digestive issues – as always, this is not a promise, but based on client feedback – because once the tension is gone, all these tension-related health symptoms can disappear.

And TRE is also about down-regulating an overly active nervous system – and once our nervous system is out of survival mode and back to a healthy baseline, we can become less anxious, irritable or angry.

So I have a dream, a dream that one day,

we will live in a world where this is widely understood and everybody strives to live in a calm and composed manner, feeling good within themselves, with their nervous systems in perfect harmony and empowered to live their best and most blissful lives.

I have a dream that our minds and bodies will be so in tune with one another that anger, fear and anxiety give way to understanding, compassion and peace – a state of inner calm.

I have a dream that one day, children don't present with anxiety,

but walk into school with open hearts, ready to learn, ready to grow and ready to be a good friend – or at least ready to accept everybody, regardless of any differences.

And that they learn self-regulation, grounding and stillness.

Ready to respond with grace, rather than react with aggression.

I have a dream that kids will no longer turn into bullies, but have the healthy self-confidence, compassion and kindness and that their nervous systems will be anchored in safety and connection, rather than in fear and Fight or Flight.

I have a dream that one day, parents aren't burdened by the weight of chronic stress

and will interact and communicate with their children in a gentle and patient way – full of love.

I have a dream that their nervous systems will be calm and resilient and they won't utter harsh words and reactive outbursts, but soothe and connect with their children in a loving way.

I have a dream that one day every workplace will be transformed.

No employee should carry the burden of stress and constant pressure, their nervous systems frayed and exhausted, worried and intimidated.

Instead, they will be able to contribute according to their strength, they will collaborate and be appreciated and acknowledged. No micromanagement, no bullying, just co-operation and support.

I have a dream that one day, bosses will lead with compassion and wisdom.

They will understand that a well-regulated team is a productive team, a thriving team, a joyful team – thriving in a culture that values mental and physical equilibrium as much as it does productivity and profits.

I have a dream that one day, governments will be full of well-regulated leaders.

No harsh debating, no political division, no needless intrigues.

Instead, we will have leaders who listen with open hearts and minds, who respond with thoughtful consideration and who make decisions with empathy and understanding – prioritising not their egos, but the common good in an atmosphere of trust and cooperation.

I have a dream that one day, no longer will the shadows of chronic stress, ACEs (Adverse Childhood Experiences) and trauma darken our lives.

No longer will violence and conflict continue.

Instead, we will cultivate a culture of nervous system literacy,

where self-regulation and co-regulation are taught and practised by parents and their babies and beyond childhood.

I have a dream that one day, the world will experience the power of a well-regulated nervous system, which can be the foundation of peace, harmony and well-being.

This is not just a fantasy. This is a possibility within our reach.

Sure, it requires a commitment to embrace nervous system regulation practises – but the results will most certainly be beautiful – full of safety and connection.

This is certainly not just a dream.

"We are always engaging with the nervous system - our own, and other people’s.

Our nervous system is at the centre of our experience".

Chantal Traub

Let us work together,

let us build a world where a well-regulated nervous system is our default and leads to peace, joy, togetherness, understanding and loads of potential.

Where's the best place to start?

Well, we can't change the whole world, we can't change world leaders, we can 'only' start with ourselves.

When each of us prioritises our inner well-being, we lay the foundation for a world where conflict gives way to compassion and chaos is replaced by harmony.

And I truly believe in its ripple effect.

From families to neighbourhoods, cities, countries and all of us.

Let's turn this dream into reality.

After all, TRE has also been used by David Berceli, PhD, its founder, as a tool for mediation.

And he has facilitated many TRE sessions where he worked with Palestinians and Israelis, Muslims and Christians, Northern and Southern Sudanese, Eritreans and Ethiopians.

He describes:

“The change was astounding. In fact, the two groups could not believe how much they were able to change their thinking, feelings and behaviour by addressing the issue of trauma recovery prior to attempting dialogue and resolution of their conflicts.”

So let's start small.

One body at a time.

And if you'd like to make a start – I'm here for you and will guide you safely and empathically.

I invite you to get in touch for a chat.

Natural. Innate. TREmendous.



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