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Don't waste time, find out if TRE is for you - or not ...

Writer: SylviaSylvia

Here's how you know ...

TRE isn't for you if you ...

  •  experience aches, e.g. headaches, but are happy to pop a pain killer

  •  struggle with pains, e.g. back pain, but have your physiotherapist on speed dial as she/he has always sorted it

  •  are feeling anxious, but want to talk things through and analyse the past with a counsellor or psychologist (although, even then, TRE can complement these cognitive sessions nicely!)

  •  are close to burnout and are happy with your current stress management (not necessarily release) techniques

  •  are happy to linger on a waiting list to be seen by somebody who can 'fix you'

  •  are pushed by somebody else to learn TRE (that never works, does it?)

TRE is for you if you ...

  •  have seen your GP who confirmed 'it's all good' or 'it might be in the head' – and you feel that this isn't an answer as you believe that your symptoms are your body's way of saying: 'deal with it!'

  •  want to take your health and well-being into your own hands – not relying on anybody to 'fix you'

  •  believe that your aches and pains stem from tension you are holding in the body or because you've unresolved trauma

  •  have tried talking therapies, but talking didn't do anything for you

  •  or you simply don't want to talk about your 'issues' and the past

  •  have read or heard of the amazing book The Body Keeps the Score and trust psychiatrist Bessel van der Kolk's belief that we need to take the body into account

  •  have caring responsibilities and think that you don't have time for yourself – I'd love to show you that you only need a few minutes per day/every other day

  •  have gastrointestinal issues or want to lose weight and have tried all the diets out there – but not seen a difference

  •  have anger issues that you want to resolve

  •  notice that people can easily irritate you and you want to become calmer and have better relationships – with yourself, your body, your family/friends/colleagues …

  •  want to be a calm haven, i.e. have a well-regulated nervous system, when interacting with neurodivergent children or adults

  • can't conceive because you are too stressed and want to try a natural approach

  •  and there are soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo many more reasons …

As you know, I love TRE, I practise TRE myself and I want the whole world to know how TREmendously amazing our bodies are.

Well, some people already know, e.g. indigenous people have been including the body for millennia and more and more people are becoming aware of embodiment practices and somatic modalities.

Many people I talk to realise that their dogs are shaking off stress and tension naturally and innately – as all mammals are genetically encoded to do – and therefore wonder if this could be something beneficial for us humans, too.

Well, it is indeed.

Admittedly, in the past my default go-to were talking therapies, but as you know, training in TRE was an eye-opener for me.

So, while TRE is most certainly not for everybody - nothing is - I want everybody to know that it can be a TREmendously amazing option and is definitely worthwhile exploring.

I'm here for you, I so love teaching TRE – seeing the relaxation in clients' faces, hearing their feedback, empowering them to heal and help themselves and knowing that I can make a real difference to my clients' lives.

Hence I invite you to explore if TRE resonates with you and if you'd like to start your TRE journey with me.

Let's have a chat - and you'll be one step closer to deciding what's right for you.

You deserve to feel so much better.

Natural. Innate. TREmendous.



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