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A bit about me ...

I am Sylvia, a certified TRE® Provider - having trained with Steve Haines (London), Su Thomas (South Africa) and Anya Bloom (Israel). 

When the pandemic hit I asked myself what the world really needs and re-discovered TRE® - I'm totally fascinated as it's so simple and yet so powerful and I value and treasure the relaxation I can build into my daily life, therefore nipping many health issues in the bud.

I see the amazing benefits of practising TRE® in my clients on a regular basis and I am on a mission to get the word out ... everybody should know about TRE® - especially in current times. 

My background is in IT and business development but now I can bring my real passion for holistic health into my career. 

I am also a Jikiden Reiki practitioner, have a foundation training in Counselling (COSCA) and I facilitate Laughter Yoga sessions. 

The beauty of TRE is that it is empowering as I teach, rather than treat. 

If you'd like to be treated, though, check out Silent Counselling, which I also offer - here I am also working with the body, its wisdom and its energy, see blog post

To me, TRE® really feels like a deeply relaxing spa treatment. What's more, as an enthusiastic tennis player, I struggled with hip and lower back pain, so every game of tennis is now followed by a TRE® session, which releases so much tension around my hips, it is a tremendous relief and my back and hip pain has completely gone.

Let's have a chat and find out how TRE® can support your health. 

And if you are still curious about me as a person, I once wrote a blog post.

TRE Provider Sylvia teaching online

"For me, TRE® makes so 

much sense - aren't we already too much in our constantly busy minds?

I have a foundation training in counselling, but

when I trained in TRE®, it was a real eye-opener - our bodies are much cleverer than we give them credit for. 

Let's use our body wisdom to help us heal."

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